The info hub for the hub of global health
Journey without a roadmap
Thanks to everyone who attended our first ever virtual Pioneers of Global Health Awards & Fundraiser last week! Your generous giving helped us raise nearly $80,000 to keep connecting and informing the global health community.
While we missed seeing members and friends in person, we loved connecting virtually and sharing how you’ve been navigating this year without a roadmap. Take a look at some of the mile markers and speed bumps that members shared in our community video.
Green with energy
Medical Teams International supports nearly 70 health clinics in remote Ugandan districts that don’t have sustainable energy solutions. Through a new partnership with Green Empowerment, these clinics will soon have the stable connection they need for better internet, health data collection, and inventory management. And we all know how important a reliable internet connection is now.
A clean new deal
In Burkina Faso, the Worldwide Fistula Fund provides training programs for fistula survivors to earn income after their recovery. They’ve come up with a potentially life-saving plan as one part of the program—making soap. Not only do women earn money selling their handmade soap, but they’re helping to slow the spread of COVID-19 in their community. That’s what we call a win-win.
Swing for the fences
The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on everyone’s mental health, but it’s been particularly hard for BIPOC and LGBTQ+ adolescents. Teens already have extra barriers to care, and the pandemic has only has only exacerbated the situation. The Upswing Fund for Adolescent Mental Health, powered by Panorama, was created to provide much-needed resources to front-line organizations, expand quality care, and meet young people where they are—on their phones—by using telehealth and mobile apps.
If this work is up your alley, check out the grant-seekers page for more info and apply for a grant.
Full steam ahead
Some Fred Hutch scientists will get a new workspace as the Hutch expands into Seattle’s renovated Lake Union Steam Plant. For the first time, interdisciplinary researchers and clinicians will work under the same roof for deeper collaboration in data science and immunotherapy—meaning faster cancer treatment breakthroughs. Take a sneak peek of the future collaboration hub.
Around town
Nov. 12: Commemorate Eye Donation Month at SightLife’s Community of Compassion Celebration and honor those who have been personally touched by corneal donation.
Nov. 13: Learn about national security consequences of climate change with the World Affairs Council.
Nov. 18: Sign up for WGHA’s STEM Global Public Engagement Training, co-hosted with Northwest Association for Biomedical Research, designed to give scientists and global health practitioners practical tools and guidance for sharing their work with the public.
Nov. 18: Celebrate life science entrepreneurs and mentors at Life Science Washington Institute’s BioBash 2020.
Nov. 19–20: Join the highly anticipated Pandemics, Politics, and Privilege: The Good, Bad, & Ugly U.S. Legacy in Global Health summit with Global Health Council.
Anytime: Listen to Partners In Health’s podcast miniseries to learn more about the 200-year-old Sierra Leone Psychiatric Teaching Hospital and how the past holds implications for mental health.
“The interconnectedness between local and global health is apparent to us, and it’s apparent that we need a solution for the health inequities that exist across the world.”
— DK. R. Prabha, WGHA board chair at the Pioneers of Global Health Awards & Fundraiser