We are excited to introduce new WGHA members! We value all of our members and would like to thank you for joining us to connect and inform the global health community. Henry Ford Health System Henry Ford Health is committed to improving the health and well-being of our diverse Michigan community.
Openwater Developing technologies with the potential to revolutionize patient care.
Providence Providence family of organizations invests in its communities to help build a more equitable and sustainable future. We support organizations, programs and initiatives that create lasting change and improve health and well-being at the community level.
Terasaki Institute To invent and foster practical solutions that restores or enhances the health of individuals.
Rousselot Biomedical Rousselot Biomedical produces world-class, pharmaceutical-grade gelatins for medical researchers and manufacturers that want to comply with the relevant FDA and EU quality and safety regulations. We offer high-quality, batch-to-batch consistent, research grade or GMP-grade gelatins and modified gelatins with ultra-low to controlled endotoxin levels.