Jim Kublin
Executive Director, HIV Vaccine Trials Network (HVTN)
Dr. Jim Kublin is a global health expert who works on the development of vaccines and treatments for life-threatening infectious diseases including HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and COVID-19. As executive director of the Hutch-headquartered HIV Vaccine Trials Network, he coordinates its massive international efforts to test candidate vaccines. He plays a similar role for the COVID-19 Prevention Network, which manages large-scale testing of vaccines against SARS-CoV-2. In his own lab, his team conducts preclinical studies of the effects of the microbiome on vaccines, focusing on how responses of the immune system are changed by interactions with specific microbes that live naturally in the gut of humans and animals. Dr. Kublin is also medical director of the Hutch-affiliated Seattle Malaria Clinical Trials Center, where he oversees studies on new malaria drugs and vaccines.